Monday, December 9, 2013

Keeping Kiddos Safe on the Net

Safety on the internet is a hot topic. We never want our little ones to get into a situation that could have dire consequences. There is so much trash, and that is what it is trash, on the internet that it is good to find safe websites for the kiddos to use.

In my opinion a "safe" site is one that is self contained. There are no pop ups or ad banners on the side to lead the children out of the website they are on. is a great site. It is fun and funky and the kids love it! The kids are led through all sorts of situations that can be potentially hazardous and the solutions to those situations. There are movies, and games and videos to keep the kids engaged. The site is a program of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Safe Online Surfing is another site that is dedicated to teaching kids safe surfing. This site is brought about by the work of various organizations.  It has safety for kids from 3rd to 8th grade.

A list of some of the safe sites that I use are below:
PBS Kids
Sesame Street
Study Jams
Kids dot gov

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