Friday, April 11, 2014


You may be asking, 'What is T3?'
Is it Terminator 3? Is it a glue or a code of some kind?
The latter is closer to anything. In my classroom T3 stands for Time To Think. I have found that a simple quiet place can go a long way in helping the kids who have issues of all kinds.

My classroom has an adjoining door to the library. This door is my T3 corner. It is a quiet place for a student to calm themselves. It can be used after a melt down or before one starts.
There is a purple carpet for them to sit on and they can lean on the wall or in the corner as they regain composure. Under the table by the door is a box of stuffed animals for the children to use as well. Sometimes the kids are just exhausted and will curl up and go to sleep. Since my class is a "specials" class like art and music it doesn't matter if the kiddo misses one day.

In the hectic world of public education we are often forgetful that children don't come from and Ozzie and Harriet household anymore. Gone are the days where mother and father were in a loving and committed marriage. The largest portion of the children are from broken and/or dysfunctional homes. More and more grandmothers are raising children. These children just need a break sometimes. They just need some T3.

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